Jaarverslag 2019 Museum Het Valkhof
Museum het Valkhof is the archeology and art museum of Nijmegen, in the Dutch province Gelderland. As the area was part of the Roman Empire, the museum has a large collection of archeological findings from the Antiquity. Research and the preservation of these findings are among the importatn activities of the museum, just as the educational activities that present history and archeology as a discipline to young and old. Furthermore, the museum has a large and growing collection of classical art from the Middle Ages through Modernism to contemporary art. The yearly report presents the activities and strivings of the organization.
Next to the regular account of the events and achievements of the Museum in the year 2019, the report contains a visual essay displaying images of objects in the collection. This playful collage does not only show the diversity of the collection, but creates possible connections between the museum objects ranging from archeological findings through classical art pieces to contemporary artworks.
comissioned by Museum Het Valkhof, Nijmegen
digital document & printable booklet
made in 2020